
How VigRX Plus Works

The penis has two paired cylinders called the Corpora Cavernosa that, when aroused, expand and fill with blood creating the hardness of your erection.

The capacity of your Corpora Cavernosa to fill with blood during arousal limits erection length and thickness, and this function can decrease as you age.
Through clinical testing our scientists discovered that the penile tissue of the Corpora Cavernosa will increase in capacity and function more effectively when exposed to specific natural ingredients.
With this knowledge we developed VigRX, which is an all natural supplement blending the highest quality ingredients in the exact dosage that will yield maximum penis enhancement.
More recently, we added one more key ingredient, Bioperene® which through U.S. Clinical Studies has proven to increase the absorption rates of nutrients that it is combined with.
Simply stated, Bioperine® made VigRX work better leading to the introduction of VigRX Plus!
This is why VigRX™ has become the standard by which all other penis enhancement supplements are judged...

No other product can match the positive results that the VigRX Plus cutting edge formula provides.

Here is a breakdown of what you can typically expect:

Month #1: Think of this as your building phase. Taking VigRX Plus as described in month 1 is crucial. It is the building block for larger, firmer erections.
Month #2: Now it's starting to get exciting. You'll start to see dramatic changes in the appearance of your penis as well as longer lasting erections. You'll also notice a further increase in your sexual stamina.
Month #3: Now when you get an erection your penis looks and feels firmer, stronger and more rock solid than you ever dreamed possible!
Month #4 - 12: Need we say more? Everything past four months is simply AMAZING! Remember the longer you take it, the better the results!
Of course, some men will not have results in line with this timetable, so it is important to finish the bottle at the proper dosage before judging your results.

Results of Clinical Study

VigRX Plus vs Placebo

VigRX Plus Benefits
Overall Improvement in Sexual Health
Increased Erection Size in Both Width & Length
Strengthening & Toning Effect on the Sexual Glands
Increase in Blood Circulation to the Genitals
(VigRX Plus Contains Peripheral Penis Tissue Vasodilators)
Support of the Health Production of Sex Hormones
Treatment of Stressor & Anxiety (adaptogens) with Restorative Nutrients for the Nervous System
Increased Stamina & Sex Drive Through Increased Cardiovascular Power & Improved Circulation

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